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Auto A/C Heating Service Coeur D'Alene

Before summer begins or if you’re A/C is blowing hot air, come to a participating AAMCO center for a FREE check. We’ll visually inspect hoses, lines, seals and other components for leaks, check temperature readings, check that your compressor is operating properly, and inspect the drive belt for cracks or damage. You may simply need a recharge of the refrigerant – or the inspection could call for other service, like a new compressor. Plus your air conditioning belt drives many other components in your vehicle, meaning a broken belt can have a much worse impact than simply an uncomfortable trip. It takes an expert to tell, so take your car to AAMCO and let the experts give you the peace of mind knowing that your vehicle will keep you cooler and safer.

car air conditioner and leak detection service

Heating and Cooling Service

Depending on the results of the diagnosis, the system is then serviced only as required to ensure proper operation, which might include:

  • Evacuate refrigerant from the system
  • Recharge the system using the appropriate refrigerant to the exact system capacity according to the vehicle manufacturer’s specifications
  • Perform any necessary service on compressor, evaporator, condenser, and electrical controls
  • Recheck the system to ensure proper operation

36-Point Multi-Point Inspection

While your vehicle is at the center, an AAMCO certified technician will also perform a 36-point Multi-Point Inspection®. Your car, truck or SUV will get a thorough going-over to make sure all of the major systems are in good working order.

Get Your Free Inspection Today